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465 lines
FILE : kernel.ph
SHORTNAME : kernel.ph
PURPOSE : SNNS Kernel Function Prototypes
AUTHOR : Niels Mache
DATE : 20.02.90
CHANGED BY : Michael Vogt, Guenter Mamier
IDENTIFICATION : @(#)kernel.ph 1.14 4/8/94
LAST CHANGE : 4/8/94
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
/* begin global definition section */
GROUP: Parallel kernel functions
/* Connects and Disconnects the MasPar.
The mode switches are: MASPAR_CONNECT and MASPAR_DISCONNECT. */
krui_err kr_initMasPar( int mode );
/* Returns the Status of the MasPar or an error code. */
krui_err kr_getMasParStatus( void );
/* Validate a network modifying operation according to the kernel mode. */
krui_err kr_validateOperation( void );
/* Sets the topologic type of the current network.
Returns an error if the topologic type of the current network
doesn't fit to this type.
Topologic types are:
general purpose network type with no limitations
feedforward network with fully connected units in
neighbour layers */
krui_err kr_setSpecialNetworkType( int net_type );
/* Returns the special topologic type of the current network, if set. */
int kr_getSpecialNetworkType( void );
/* Creates a user defined unit. */
int kr_createUnit( char *unit_name, char *out_func_name, char *act_func_name,
FlintTypeParam i_act, FlintTypeParam bias );
/* Deletes all input links at current unit/site. */
krui_err kr_deleteAllLinks( int mode );
/* Deletes the current link.
NOTE: To delete a link between the current unit/site and the source unit
<source_unit_no>, call krui_isConnected( source_unit_no ) and
krui_deleteLink(). */
krui_err kr_deleteLink( void );
/* Creates a link between source unit and the current unit/site.
Returns an error code:
- if memory allocation fails
- if source unit doesn't exist or
- if there exists already a connection between current unit/site and
the source unit
0 otherwise.
kr_createLink DO NOT set the current link.
NOTE: If you want to create a link and its unknown if there exists already a
connection between the two units, use krui_createLink and test the return
code, instead of the sequence kr_isConnected and kr_createLink. */
krui_err kr_createLink( int source_unit_no, FlintTypeParam weight );
/* Sets the link weight of the current link */
void kr_setLinkWeight( FlintTypeParam weight );
/* Returns the link weight of the current link. */
FlintType kr_getLinkWeight( void );
/* True if there exists a connection between source unit <source_unit_no>
and the current unit/site, otherwise false.
NOTE: If there exists a connection between the two units, the current
link is set to the link between the two units. */
bool kr_isConnected( int source_unit_no, FlintType *weight );
/* True if there exists a connection between source unit <source_unit_no>
and target unit <target_unit_no>, otherwise false. If there exist a
connection between these units, kr_areConnected returns the connection
strength also.
Returns FALSE if unit doesn't exist.
IMPORTANT: If there exist a connection, the current unit and site will be
set to the target unit/site.
NOTE: This function is slow (Units are backward chained only). */
bool kr_areConnected( int source_unit_no, int target_unit_no,
FlintType *weight );
/* Returns the no. of first or next succecessor unit of the
given unit and the connection strenght.
Sets the current unit/site. */
int kr_getSuccessorUnit( int mode, int source_unit_no, FlintType *weigth );
/* initialize the first/next site or the named site at the current unit
for access */
int kr_setSite( int mode, char *site_name );
/* initializes the given unit for access */
krui_err kr_setCurrUnit( int unit_no );
/* returns the number of the first/next/current unit of the unit array */
int kr_getUnit( int mode );
/* Returns the no. of first, next or current predecessor unit of the
current unit/site and the connection weight. */
int kr_getPredecessorUnit( int mode, FlintType *weight );
/* Remove unit and all links from network. */
krui_err kr_removeUnit( struct Unit *unit_ptr );
/* Returns the value of the specified unit component. */
FlintType kr_getUnitValues( int unit_no, int component_selector );
/* Sets the value of the specified unit component. */
krui_err kr_setUnitValues( int unit_no, int component_selector,
FlintTypeParam value );
/* Sets all unit components of the specified unit. */
krui_err kr_setAllUnitValues( int unit_no, FlintTypeParam out,
FlintTypeParam act,
FlintTypeParam i_act, FlintTypeParam bias );
/* delete all inputs at the given unit */
void kr_deleteAllInputs( struct Unit *unit_ptr );
/* Deletes all output links at <source_unit>
NOTE: This function is slow. */
void kr_deleteAllOutputLinks( struct Unit *source_unit_ptr );
/* search for a site at a unit */
struct Site *kr_searchUnitSite( struct Unit *unit_ptr,
struct SiteTable *stbl_ptr );
/* search for a site at a unit and returns also the predecessor site ptr */
void kr_searchUnitSiteWithPred( struct Unit *unit_ptr,
struct SiteTable *stbl_ptr,
struct Site * *Rsite_ptr,
struct Site * *Rsite_pred_ptr );
/* searches for a site in the network */
int kr_searchNetSite( struct SiteTable *stbl_ptr );
/* Creates a new site with default initialisation */
struct Site *kr_createDefaultSite( void );
/* returns the pointer to the given unit, returns NULL if unit doesn't exist */
struct Unit *kr_getUnitPtr( int unit_no );
/* Searches for a unit with the given symbol pointer.
Returns the first unit no. if a unit with the given name was found,
0 otherwise.*/
int kr_unitNameSearch( int min_unit_no, char *unit_symbol_ptr );
/* Creates a unit with default values. */
int kr_makeDefaultUnit( void );
/* Copy a given unit, according to the copy mode
1. copy unit (with it sites, if available) and input/output links
2. copy unit (with it sites, if available) and input links
3. copy unit (with it sites, if available) and output links
4. copy unit (with it sites, if available) but no input/output links
Returns the unit number of the new unit or error message < 0 , if errors
occured. Function has no effect on the current unit.
NOTE: Copying of output links is slow.
If return code < 0, an error occured.*/
krui_err kr_copyUnit( int copy_mode, int source_unit );
/* Sets the topologic type of the unit. */
krui_err kr_unitSetTType( int unit_no, int UnitTType );
/* changes all units in the network with the given functionality type
to the new functions of the (new) functionality type */
void kr_changeFtypeUnits( struct FtypeUnitStruct *Ftype_entry );
/* delete the functionality type of the units with the given type */
void kr_deleteUnitsFtype( struct FtypeUnitStruct *ftype_ptr );
/* create a new unit with the given functionality type */
int kr_makeFtypeUnit( char *Ftype_symbol );
/* returns TRUE, if there exists the given site at the given ftype entry */
bool kr_FtypeSiteSearch( struct Site *ftype_first_site,
struct SiteTable *site_table_ptr );
/* change the properties of the given unit to the properties of the
given F-Type */
void kr_changeFtypeUnit( struct Unit *unit_ptr,
struct FtypeUnitStruct *ftype_ptr );
/* change a site at the F-Type */
void kr_changeFtypeSites( struct FtypeUnitStruct *Ftype_entry,
struct SiteTable *old_site_table,
struct SiteTable *new_site_table );
/* spell checker (check identifiers for matching [A-Za-z]^[|, ]*) */
bool kr_symbolCheck( char *symbol );
/* translate unit flags to the topological type of the unit */
int kr_flags2TType( int flags );
/* translate the topological type to unit flags */
int kr_TType2Flags( int ttype );
/* update the outputs of all units in the network */
void kr_updateUnitOutputs( void );
/* returns the no. of units of the specified topologic type
(i.e. Input, Hidden, Output or Special units) */
int kr_getNoOfUnits( int UnitTType );
/* force unit array garbage collection */
void kr_forceUnitGC( void );
GROUP: Topological Sorting Functions
/* Sort units according to the given mode:
Sort units topological (general version) and stores the
pointers to this units in the topologic array.
NOTE: Units are not sorted by their topologic type (that's not
possible in general case).
Sorts unit topological in feed-forward networks and stores the
pointers to this units in the topologic array in the following order:
- input,
- hidden and
- output units
This function make following assumtions (like all learning functions for
feed-forward networks):
a) input units doesn't have input connections to other units and
b) output units doesn't have outputs connections to other units.
Sort units by their topologic type, i.e. Input, Hidden, Output units and
stores the pointers to this units in the topologic array. */
krui_err kr_topoSort( int sort_mode );
/* Checks the topology of the network:
a) counts the number of layers of the network and
b) determines if the network has cycles.
Returns the no. of layers of the network. */
int kr_topoCheck( void );
/* Count the no. of input and output units and return an error code
if the no. do not fit to the loaded patterns. */
krui_err kr_IOCheck( void );
krui_err kr_makeUnitPermutation( void );
GROUP: Other functions
/* Add random uniform distributed values to connection weights.
<minus> must be less then <plus>. */
void kr_jogWeights( FlintTypeParam minus, FlintTypeParam plus );
/* calls a network function */
krui_err kr_callNetworkFunction( int type, float *parameterInArray,
int NoOfInParams, float * *parameterOutArray,
int *NoOfOutParams,
int start_pattern, int end_pattern );
/* Returns information about the unit default settings. */
void kr_getUnitDefaults( FlintType *act, FlintType *bias, int *ttflags,
int *subnet_no, int *layer_no,
char * *act_func, char * *out_func );
/* Changes the unit default settings. */
krui_err kr_setUnitDefaults( FlintTypeParam act, FlintTypeParam bias,
int ttflags, int subnet_no, int layer_no,
char *act_func_ptr, char *out_func_ptr );
GROUP: Global Var's
bool NetModified = FALSE, /* TRUE, if the network topology was modified */
NetInitialize = TRUE, /* TRUE, if the network has been initialized */
LearnFuncHasChanged = TRUE; /* TRUE, if the learning func changed */
FlagWord DefaultSType = DEF_STYPE; /* default topological type */
int NoOfUnits = 0, /* no. of units in the network */
MinUnitNo = 0, /* the first (lowest) used unit no. in the network */
MaxUnitNo = 0, /* the last (highest) used unit no. in the network */
NoOfInputUnits = 0, /* no. of input units */
NoOfOutputUnits = 0, /* no. of output units */
NoOfHiddenUnits = 0, /* no. of hidden units */
TopoSortID = NOT_SORTED; /* topologic mode identifier */
UnitArray unit_array = NULL; /* the unit array */
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr_array = NULL; /* pointers to topological sorted units
used by kr_topoSort() */
int no_of_topo_units = 0; /* no. of unit pointers in the topo_ptr_array */
/* Kernel Interface Error Code */
krui_err KernelErrorCode = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
/* File I/O: Line number of the network file. */
int lineno = 0;
/* Stores the error codes and messages of the
topologic sorting and network checking
functions. */
struct TopologicMessages topo_msg;
/* Pointers and numbers for storing the current unit, site or link.
Used by unit/site/link searching routines. */
struct Unit *unitPtr = NULL;
struct Site *sitePtr = NULL,
*prevSitePtr = NULL;
struct Link *linkPtr = NULL,
*prevLinkPtr = NULL;
int unitNo = 0;
int specialNetworkType = NET_TYPE_GENERAL; /* topologic type of a network */
GROUP: Global var's of the parallel MasPar kernel
int masParStatus = MASPAR_DISCONNECT; /* holds the status of the MasPar */
/* stores the topologic description of a feedforward network */
struct FFnetDescriptor descrFFnet,
/* end global definition section */
/* begin private definition section */
GROUP: Local Vars
/* topological sorting: global pointer to the topologic array
(reduces memory consumption in the recursive depth search routine) */
static TopoPtrArray global_topo_ptr;
static int DefaultSubnetNo = DEF_SUBNET_NO, /* default subnet no. */
DefaultLayerNo = DEF_LAYER_NO, /* default layer no. */
DefaultPosX = DEF_POS_X, /* default x-position */
DefaultPosY = DEF_POS_Y; /* default y-position */
#ifdef KERNEL3D
static int DefaultPosZ = DEF_POS_Z; /* default z-position */
static FlintType
DefaultIAct = DEF_I_ACT, /* default initial activation */
DefaultBias = DEF_BIAS; /* default bias */
static OutFuncPtr DefaultUFuncOut = NULL; /* default output function */
static ActFuncPtr DefaultUFuncAct = NULL; /* default activation function */
/* default derivation act. function */
static ActDerivFuncPtr DefaultUFuncActDeriv = NULL;
#ifdef KERNEL3D
struct TransTable *transTable = NULL;
int transTableSize = 0;
GROUP: Macros
GROUP: Functions
/* count units according to their topological type */
static void kr_countUnits(struct Unit *unit_ptr, int mode);
/* */
static int kr_searchOutputConnection(struct Unit *start_unit_ptr,
struct Unit *source_unit_ptr,
FlintType *weight);
/* Copies all output links at <source_unit> to <new_unit>. */
static krui_err kr_copyOutputLinks(struct Unit *source_unit_ptr,
struct Unit *new_unit_ptr);
/* Copy all input links from <source_unit> to <new_unit> */
static krui_err kr_copyInputLinks(struct Unit *source_unit_ptr,
struct Unit *new_unit_ptr);
/* copy the source unit with sites, but no links */
static krui_err kr_copyUnitFrame(struct Unit *source_unit_ptr,
struct Unit *new_unit_ptr);
/* calls the current network function */
static krui_err kr_callNetworkFunctionSTD(int type, float *parameterInArray,
int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray,
int *NoOfOutParams,
int start_pattern, int end_pattern);
/* end private definition section */
#endif /* _KERNEL_DEFINED_ */